Barnav Mitra

Barnav Mitra

Hey! I'm Barnav, a High School Student that is learning development and DevOps in my free time!

About Me

Hey! I'm Barnav, a 15 year old developer and student from the United States! I'm constantly learning, and take every opportunity to learn and expand on things that I work on. I usually push the limits of what is asked of me, and that helps me learn and in turn adds more to the project I am working on. I'm really hyper and quite energetic. Sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. Personally though, I like to acknowledge my faults and utilize my hyperness to fix those faults, or just improve on my strengths. My abundant energy fuels me in the pursuit of many interests, hobbies, areas of study and artistic endeavors. I’m a fast learner, able to pick up new skills and juggle different projects and roles with relative ease.


Starnova Studios

A team of people from around the globe producing unique content for people throughout the world to play and enjoy.

Corton Hosting

Private hosting company providing large scaled services and managed systems around the globe


An easy to use authentication library for secure authentication without password or external devices (paid)

Latest Posts

Eaglercraft Setup

How to setup & run Minecraft on the web!

My First Post

This is my first blog post to my website!


Starnova Studios

CEO, December 2022 - Present

Exorath MC

Backend & Head Developer, February 2022 - November 2022

Rift MC

Admin & Developer, November 2022 - Present

Corrosive Tech

Developer, July 2022 - October 2022


Languages & Frameworks

JavaScript (ES6+), Golang, Node.js, Vue.js, React, Rust, Jet, Java, and Skript


MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, and MariaDB


Docker, Oracle Cloud (AWS), System Administration (Ubuntu), DevOps, Kubernetes (learning), and Cybersecurity (learning)